For kayak anglers like myself, these glasses will be great! Not only will they help me look good (and yes, I need all the help I can get in that department!), but they have a lot of features that a kayak angler will immeadiately appreciate!
- Built in adjustable strap keeps them sung and comfortable. You can wear these sunglasses running, on a bass boat motoring down the river, or paddling down Reversing Falls, and they will not budge! While wearing the glasses, just move the adjuster (not sure what else to call it) to one side to tighten the strap, or the other way to losen it! So they are easy to put on, tighten, losen and take off.

- They float! Anything, and I mean anything you bring out with you in kayak that floats is something you appreciate after you lose that first item into the water
- One size fits all. With the shape and design of these sunglasses, and with the adjustability of the strap, my wife Anna who typically wears a much narrower pair of glasses than I could wear these sunglasses. They would look as good on her (ok, probably better!) and she would find them just as comfortable as I.