We all want to catch that big fish when we are out with our hooks in the water, and I'm no different normally. However tonight was a different story. Out with a friend ice fishing in a shack for smelt, we were having little luck. There were lots of Tommy Cod, but only a few smelt.
Then I haul up my line to check the bait, and what do I find, but a baby lamprey eel! Not having done a heck of a lot of ice fishing, and only the last few years fishing in NB, I've never seen a lamprey eel before. From the top, with it's very big eyes, it looks almost cool. Turning it upside down however and seeing that tiny mouth full of teeth was a different story!
Recently on a trip we caught the blue perch I reported on earlier and now tonight a lamprey eel. Who knows what surprises are in store come my next trip on the ice, likley this Saturday!