If your like me, during those times when fishing cannot be done, it is still forefront on our minds. Where will we go next, what species to target, who may join us, what's the forecast calling for..... Tell me your not thinking those same things and I'll say your full of it!
Well one way to keep yourself distracted, and perhaps motivate you to put your all into it on your next trip is to spend a little time getting acquainted with some of the premiere kayak fishing magazines available online. I've got 2 that I regularly keep an eye on, and a couple others that I check in on from time to time.
Ben Duchesney and the folk at RapidMedia have a collection of online and print content including Kayak Angler Magazine. They put out a great print magazine several times a year, have contests, tips, awesome articles and several of the dedicated kayak anglers from around the Atlantic provinces have been featured in pictures or articles in their publications.
Personally, I've been honored to have been asked to partake in a few of their 'ask a pro' articles this past year.
A smilar name, but a completely different publication, YakAngler offers a lot to folk like us in addition to a pretty sweet logo! For one, they do an annual Kayak Angler Choice Awards where recognition is given to a variety of areas including gear, anglers, blogs (cough, cough), and more. Be sure to check out YakAngler online, get inspired and go out and catch yourself your own trophy catch so that you too may get featured in their magazine!
Some more online publications you can check out for even more articles, tips, pictures and such include:

Both of these magazines are great supplements to your online reading on the sport of kayak fishing. Check out what other anglers are doing in other parts of the world. If your like me, drool at the variety of 50, 100, even 1000 pound monster fish being caught in kayaks.
Product Reviews, tips from the pros, videos, news, articles, contests, and more can be found to satisfy your needs while off the water. Whats more, if you have something to contribute, these or other such publications may be interested in what you have to share!